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Service keeps us Sober!

We are always looking for help with running our meetings. Please use the links below to explore service options and become an indispensable member of our group.

We have three positions that need filling for each meeting. The Host, the Scribe, and the Guardian.

The Host Begins the meeting by reading our script, then welcomes newcomers and shares the Daily Ponderance. They also introduce speakers after the meditation and close the meeting at its end. Are you friendly? Help make our attendees feel welcome by being our Host!

The Scribe monitors the chat and posts important information for attendees to read. They also rename people if they need it. Can you cut and paste? It’s that easy. If so this position is for you!

The Guardian protects the meeting from people who want to disrupt it. ‘Zoom Bombers’ unfortunately exist and sometimes attempt to crash the meeting. The Guardian screens attendees as they enter the meeting. They remove people who are disruptive or offensive. Be part of our strength and help us with this important position!