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Meditation is a cornerstone of our meeting. There is a ten-minute meditation after reading the Daily Ponderance. If meditation is not your thing, that’s OK! It is not mandatory to attend our meeting or be a homegroup member. If you are interested in learning how to meditate, we invite you to explore some of the links below that have been recommended by our members.

Artwork by Liz

“ has good instructions, once you get past the pop-ups.” Joseph W

Guided meditations are a great help to many.

“UCLA Mindful is simple to use and free, my favorite.” Joseph W

“Nice, short meditations. Almost all under 10 min.” Lauren

“Waking Up has a great, pragmatic instruction in how to meditate and daily 10m meditations thereafter.” Free if you send a request.

Check out our more detailed Meditation page for more suggestions.